Archive for August 6th, 2008


DejaBlue Grass Band at Ribs, Etc. tomorrow night

August 6, 2008

Ribs, Etc.
Don’t cost nuthin’. Get your rib on wiff us. We’ll be playing tomorrow night (Thursday, 8/7) with the flat pickin’ freak known as John Willingham at Ribs, Etc. on Roswell Road in Buckhead. Been a while since we’ve gigged, and John gets orn’ry when he goes too long without good ‘cue. He told me he got so hungry one time, he ate a pig….oh, wait, nevermind. Mark only eats spouts and bean curd, so there’s more ‘cue for me and you.

Come join us! Johnny-fast-fingers and the DjBGB get started at 8PM.